My way to express...
Posting different images here, is my way to express the creative things going on inside me. Which means that I post different things that inspire me, which can be pretty much everything between heven and earth! But mostly the images has something to do with fashion, fashion is so much more then just a good looking pice of fabric for me, it´s art, and I love art! Very often the images reflect the mood I´m in, as you have seen, there have been a lot of summer images lately, that is just my way telling you that, I miss the sun, the heat and the color green...

Just wanted to get that of my chest... It seemed like I had not completely introduced myself to you!
I hope you will find what you are looking for here! ;)
/Love Emma

A sunny image... just to torture us a little bit more! ;)
Postat av: MeMe
Couldn't agree more :)
Very nice blogg by the way!
Postat av: MeMe
Couldn't agree more!
Very nice blog by the way:)