LOVE and Vogue
Agnes and Orlando
So sweet...!

On the meadow...
it´s time for you, yes, you!
Ashley Greene And Daria Werbowy
Maybe it´s just me! But I think Ashley Green from twilight and the supermodel Daria Werbowy have some similarities with their looks... I mean, just look at these images! If you just look at the face in the first image, I find it hard to tell if it´s Ashley or Daria... Just me?? I believe it´s the nose and the eyes, they are quite alike!

mostly google
Gisele bundchen.
Behind the camera hides.... Gisele Bundchen! We haven´t seen much of her lately, but that´s probably because she´s with her newborn child...
Have a nice day friends! ;)

Naked, red and sun...
Haiti needs us!!
I don´t know about you, but I have just seen pictures from the disaster in Haiti. And that was enough for me to feel bad about sitting in a house full of food, on a chair, in front of a computer. If just a few pictures was enough for me to feel like that, I can´t imagine how it would actually feel to be there in the middle of it all. Maybe you´ve lost a leg, a house or even a beloved one.... I feel quite out of power to change what has happened, we all are. We can´t change what have already happened. But what we must not forget is that we can do things to help, we can give...

It does not have to be much, not at all! So I´m now asking you to please, please help these poor people in Haiti!
10kr, 50kr or 1000kr it doesn´t matter as long as it is more then nothing!
Text "10katastrof" to donate 10 kr or "katastrof" to donate 50kr, no: 72950
Thank you! Love Emma

I see CHANEL...
Good night my sunshines!
A mix of inspiration
These photos really inspired me!!
I hope they will inspire you too!
Have a nice monday! ;)

Ever heard of boundaries?
Anja Rubik
Harpers Bazaar US.
I found this image at Columbine Smile, and I just couldn´t stop looking at her eyes! Her make-up totally makes the picture, I think!

Behind it all...
...We find Mary-Kate!
The inspiration for today!

My way to express...
Posting different images here, is my way to express the creative things going on inside me. Which means that I post different things that inspire me, which can be pretty much everything between heven and earth! But mostly the images has something to do with fashion, fashion is so much more then just a good looking pice of fabric for me, it´s art, and I love art! Very often the images reflect the mood I´m in, as you have seen, there have been a lot of summer images lately, that is just my way telling you that, I miss the sun, the heat and the color green...

Just wanted to get that of my chest... It seemed like I had not completely introduced myself to you!
I hope you will find what you are looking for here! ;)
/Love Emma

A sunny image... just to torture us a little bit more! ;)
Shoes + Paris!
After a 30min walk home from school, I now can´t feel my legs, hands and face!!! It´s so *ing cold!!
Tough I woud like to be able to dress like this, without having to freeze to death!!!
Summer, oh summer... I miss you! <3

Yellow,humm... I don´t know why, but I have never been much for the color yellow! But when I saw this dress I changed my mind! This dress I would die to have this summer!! The perfect summer tan would make the yellow look just lovely on your skin...

The perfect beach dress.... <3

Good Morning!
This is the outfit of the day! Really like the jacket and the hair...!

Have a nice day! ;)

Sweet dreams!
First day back to school.... DONE!!! I´ve just made dinner and been babysitting too!! And now I can´t seem to keep my eyes open... good night <3

I Want!
Happy Star!
Such a lovely picture! When I look at it I think of summer... So tired of the snow right now!!!

Abbey Lee Kershaw
Keith Richards
Just love these pictures!!! Keith Richards is quite old now, as you can see... but that just gives the pictures a soul a think!

Just had to try it...
Today H&M had their "premiere" for "dress the models yourself", you can also share what you´ve come up with on Twitter, facebook and your blog (like I do right now) etc. I just had to try it! It was quite fun actually. One party outfit and one a bit more casual to have when you don´t feel like to dress up, but still want to look decent, is what I came up with. You should definitely try it!

Eye candy
Hello my friends! How are you today?
I´m posting these pictures ´cause they make me happy (especially the first one), and I would like you to be happy with me!!

Great combo
I really like these pictures, they put a great combo together. But of course with models like Lily Donaldson, Natasha Poly and Daria Werbowy, I´m not surprised! :)

I just stumbled on to this picture... so lovely! It´s from a blog named Igor + André. If you are a fan of fashion illustrations you are gonna love this blog, that´s for sure!

As always...
I think the Olsen-Twins share some kind of secret... Because how else do they always manage to dress so casual but still look so cool and sometimes even glamorous at the same time!!! We just can´t get enough of them, can we?

can tattoos tell a story?
Post´s on English
Just thought I might tell you... but maybe you already noticed? From now on I am going to write my
posts´on English, just wanted to make sure you´re all okey with that...! :D

No longer 2009...
I totally forgot to wish you all a happy NEW YEAR!!! Shame on me... But better late then never, so here it comes... Happy new year everybody!!!
And lets hope 2010 will give us just as mush inspiration as 2009 did, or why not even more!?
You can always hope, you know... :D