Hi everybody! I will not be bloging on this site anymore. My new blog name is still Of Emma but with blogspot.com instead. Hope you all feel that is ok and that you´ll still take part of my posts!
Just click HERE!
See ya!


I track your style, I feel your vibes

weheartit, tag recently hearted

I catch your eyes, try not to smile

weheartit, tag recently hearted

This summer I wish to wear you...
Tom Ford Nikita sunglasses = <3 !!!

HannaMontazamis blog

In love with myself
Lou Lesage
No such thing
Snow White
Not young enough to know everything...
The naked truth
Culture Call
Drama Queen
V magazine
It´s my one desire

collages made by me, Emma G

SEX on the beach
I feel it all

we heart it, recently hearted

Pink, silver, pink, silver, pink...
Why can´t you just hold me?
Warm whispers
What a beautiful morning!
The inspiration to my hair


I <3 my new hair!

photos of me

Welcome 2011!

gynning.net / FgR / etc- alltherest